Welcome to Issachar Community
A Christian Congregation
Exploring the Hebraic Heritage of Christianity​
Study to Do
Issachar Community
Issachar Community is a non-denominational congregation of Christian believers brought together by our faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and in Jesus (Yeshua) His son. We are united in our love for the Bible and a desire to live a joy filled, authentic Christian life that brings honor to the God that we serve.
As a congregation, we strive to understand the Bible in its proper historical and cultural context. We believe a “three-strand” approach to our study helps us to achieve that goal:
What did the words mean to their original hearers millennia ago?
How have they been interpreted throughout the ages?
What do they mean for us today as 21st century believers?
We have great respect for the Hebraic foundations of Christianity and believe that understanding and learning from them adds depth and richness to our relationship with the Lord and equips us to be better, more authentic disciples.
Our Saturday morning services are meant to be joyful and festive, each one like the best kind of family reunion. Our focus is always on the Word of God with preaching, teaching and lots of interaction to strengthen and uplift everyone who is present. Our worship times are a powerful mixture of contemporary Christian music, Hebrew Worship songs and even occasional hymns and choruses. And each meeting is followed by a celebratory meal, a time for fellowship, love and laughter. We stress the importance of maintaining a loving, cooperative atmosphere within our congregation, and work hard to support and encourage one another. We believe the mark of a healthy congregation is adherence to John 13:35 “By this will all people know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
How are we different?
At Issachar, we combine some of the best elements of different congregations and streams of Christianity, creating a unique environment for Worship and learning, and cultivating an atmosphere of community and family.
We believe the mark of a healthy congregation is adherence to John 13:35 "By this will all people know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
We warmly welcome any who would join us as an occasional visitor or those who would become a permanent part of our Issachar family. We believe warmth and hospitality are hallmarks of a heart filled with the love of God and we are delighted to share that love with others.
We are Evangelical.
The Bible is our standard for faith and practice, and we are committed to Biblical integrity and clarity.
We are spirit-filled and open to the leadership and gifts of the Holy Spirit in a safe and responsible environment.
We recognize that every believer is called to real discipleship, i.e. maturing spiritually and learning how to live a life that is pleasing to God. We strive to equip each one for a life of faithfulness to the Lord and the work of ministry using the individual gifts God has given them.
We believe the Torah (the first five Books of the Bible) is the foundation of God’s Word and the entire Bible is crucial to spiritual life and maturity.
We believe that God’s feasts as explained in Leviticus 23, Numbers 28-29, and Deuteronomy 16 are meant for all believers, and as a congregation we endeavor to learn the lessons that each festival teaches and enrich our Christian experience by celebrating those festivals.
We believe that God is calling the church today to extend a hand of unconditional love and friendship to the Jewish people as a means of reconciliation after two millennia of Christian anti-Semitism.
We recognize the modern State of Israel as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and lend our support to this move of God through Israel-related ministries, prayer and advocacy. We trust that God’s promise of blessing in Genesis 12:1-3 was given to all men, but especially the church as we stand with the people He calls the apple of His eye.


Mailing Address:
Issachar Community
1536 W Minnehaha Ave
St Paul MN 55104